Code of Ethics
The ethics policy applies to all staff at Far North, as well as the board of directors.
The CEO and managers have a responsibility to create an open and supportive environment where employees feel comfortable raising ethical questions.

Above: Beth and John from Developmental Disability WA (DDWA) facilitating the ‘Your Services Your Rights’ discussion at our Broome Office. The discussion provided opportunity for people living with an intellectual disability to learn about their rights and provide skills to speak up and be involved. 2023.
The Code of Ethics provides a practical set of guiding principles to help employees make decisions in their day to day work, whatever they do and wherever they do it, and outlines the expectations and rights of all Far North staff.
Far North’s core values are at the heart of all decisions that are made by all staff, directors and volunteers.
These values are implemented at Far North with care and diligence and the decisions that are made are honest, fair, and timely and consider all the relevant information. The code of ethics sets out the minimum standards of conduct and integrity to be complied with by all staff.
By conducting ourselves and carrying out our roles in a professional and ethical manner at all times, we are reflecting Our Values, and the principles contained in this Code of Ethics.
This will contribute to a positive organisational culture and result in a professional, safe and healthy work environment and positive outcomes for our customers.
Our Vision
Communities are enriched through the inclusion of all people
Our Mission
Partnering with people, families and communities to deliver practical, flexible services and support
Our Values
We understand people are faced with real challenges
We are sensitive to the potential impact we have on the lives of people
We work to the strength of all people
We are flexible in delivering the best outcomes for families and individuals
We do what we say we will do and be accountable for the outcomes
We are skilled, reliable and dependable